Auditel Project Reveals £33,000 Worth of Savings for a Happy Client

Burnley-based David Gray joined the Auditel Cost and Purchase Management Franchise in 2008. Prior to becoming a franchisee, he spent 21 years in the Royal Air Force as an aircrew linguist, flying on board the Nimrod R1 reconnaissance aircraft.

Burnley-based David Gray joined the Auditel Cost and Purchase Management Franchise in 2008. Prior to becoming a franchisee, he spent 21 years in the Royal Air Force as an aircrew linguist,

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flying on board the Nimrod R1 reconnaissance aircraft.

Having left the RAF, he was seeking a new career. David recalls: “Without doubt I could not have started my own business independently. I made the decision early to be self-employed and for me franchising was the only sensible option.” He came across Auditel at the British Franchise Exhibition in Manchester and was immediately impressed with their business model and how well it suited the current economic situation.

He confirms that Auditel’s Head Office back-up is very good and only a phone call away. “In the early stages, there are regular reviews to help keep your vision on track. The tools and systems that help to run the business are constantly being updated to keep the brand competitive. The network of Auditel Affiliates is also a great support. Everyone is willing to help each other with advice or practical knowledge whenever possible.”

Since 2008, he has saved his clients many thousands of pounds by reducing overhead spending and by providing a cost management service that is effective and sustainable. As David confirms: “This can quickly improve profits and add to the bottom line. My projects have covered energy procurement and management, telecoms, stationery, cash-in-transit services, janitorial supplies and packaging to name but a few.”

David’s latest success…

“I have a client whose photocopiers were due to come to the end of their lease term in November. The incumbent and long-established supplier had already made an initial renewal offer in March. This included early repayment of the current leases. My client has never had any service issues or complaints and under normal circumstances, the company would have accepted the offer without question.”

However, as David points out, loyalty in staying with the same supplier for years does not always pay. In a competitive marketplace, most suppliers allow prices to creep up over time. Sometimes this is justifiable but in some cases, it will border on the ridiculous, as is frequently seen.

David continues: “As I was already working with this client on other categories, I suggested that it would do no harm to let me take a look at the opportunity. I would test the marketplace, to give him peace of mind. The quotes I obtained from trusted sources were all in the same price range, and considerably lower than the incumbent’s offer. A site visit was arranged for my recommended supplier to gather more information and to ensure that quotes were accurate.

“There was some trepidation to change their provider but the figures were too compelling to ignore. In the current economic climate, over £11,000 a year savings for the next three years are not to be sniffed at. Moreover, this money goes straight back to the bottom line for my client, without him having to sell any more of his services to customers.

“Being a trusted advisor, my client relied on my integrity to introduce the new supplier. He knew that I would only present to him someone in whom I have the fullest confidence. The new machines were delivered in mid-July and now all staff are trained and happily using them with no issues reported so far.

“I think we’d all like to have such easy access to £33,000 of extra profit in our businesses. Well, there is a way to find it without increasing sales. If you don’t know where to look, then Auditel do!

“I am approaching the end of my fifth year. I have enjoyed the challenges and the rewards of self-employment and cannot imagine going back to work for anyone else now. I have no regrets and am really happy running my Auditel business. With experience comes confidence. Things have improved year on year!”

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Key Facts:

Available across the UK & Ireland
Business Type:
Minimum Investment:
Training Provided:
Part time:
Number Of Outlets:
Over 100 units
In Business Since:
Funding Support:
Yes, through a third party
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