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Most homeowners want to buy in to the renewable energy revolution but not all of them know how. A renewable energy franchise is currently a very good investment as there are still a huge number of homes with no solar panels, heat pumps, rainwater harvesting, wind turbines, wells and all the rest of the renewable energy kit. By just changing heating in a house to a log burner can save many hundreds of pounds a year, and that is without considering the impact on the environment. Renewable energy franchisees can either be at the sharp end, reviewing the situation in individual homes, recommending and then fitting or arranging the fitting of the equipment or system, or they can be advisory, helping the client to decide on what the best step would be; this latter option is usually a B2B (business to business) UK franchise opportunity and some franchisees find they need very few clients – as long as they are of the right calibre – to make a very good return.

Training is always given to anyone taking out a renewable energy franchise, because there is a great deal of legislation surrounding the fitting and use of renewable energy systems and the feed-in tariff and renewable heat incentive (RHI) are not always something that a client finds easy to follow. A real interest in renewable energy is a must for any franchisee in this area, as enthusiasm for the product will always make sales that much easier to achieve.

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