Case Study: Delpreet Shergill

Case Study: Delpreet Shergill

Before beginning her Bright & Beautiful journey in 2017, Delpreet Shergill worked in the engineering sector as a recruitment consultant but felt that she needed to take charge of her own schedule and her future.

“I decided to start my own business because I wanted more of an equal work life balance. I wanted a business that I could mould to fit around me and my family, where I could spend my evenings and weekends with my son whilst directly benefiting from all the hard work I’d put into the business.”

Delpreet began looking into franchising and, after extensive research, it was the core brand values that convince Delpreet that Bright & Beautiful was the business for her. “What really appealed to me was Bright and Beautiful’s foundation of strong ethical beliefs. Being part of a company that offers ethical employment with proper contracts, holiday pay and flexible working hours to local people is something I definitely wanted to be a part of.

I love seeing the impact we as a team have on our clients. Taking over the housekeeping can really mean the world to some of our clients, and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the difference it can make to their lives.”

Since investing, Delpreet has enjoyed continued development of her business, quickly becoming a success in her area. Her growing team now consists of nine trusted professional housekeepers and she has also just recently opened a brand-new laundry and ironing shop in Henley-in-Arden’s high-street. Her success culminated in being awarded ‘Business Transformation of the Year’ which Delpreet says is her greatest moment as a franchisee.

“The franchise and head office support team are so supportive and are on hand whenever I need them, so for them to recognise the progress we have made over the last 12 months made me really proud of the hard work my team and I have put into the business.”

This train of success is only the beginning for Delpreet. In 5 years’ time, she plans to “purchase the neighbouring territory, with a view of my partner joining me in the business. I’m also aiming to reduce my hours so that I only need to work part time. Although my hours work nicely around my family right now, I am already working on putting structure into the business so that it will eventually be able to run without my day to day input.”

That’s not to say that Delpreet’s success has come easily. “The biggest challenge I have faced as a business owner is taking the step from employee to employer. I didn’t have any experience of management prior to joining the franchise, so that has been my biggest learning curve. The way I overcome it is by treating my employees in the same way I would want to be treated if I was in their position.

“And of course, I know I can always rely on the support from head office and other franchisees for any obstacle I might face. That’s the biggest advantage of being part of a franchise organisation – you never feel alone. Running a business can be difficult, but with a franchise there is always someone to talk to that has been through a similar experience and can potentially help. All of the other franchise owners go out of their way to provide tips and guidance whenever you need. When we get together there is so much to be learnt from each other’s experiences, and of course we have lots of fun in the process!”

Through both the struggles and successes of running her own business, perhaps Delpreet’s greatest achievement is seeing herself grow as a person. “I have learnt that I am far more resilient than I had ever thought I could be. Being a business owner, a leader, a manager, a wife, a mother and just Delpreet too can be a lot to juggle but taking on the franchise has pushed me to new depths and made me realise that I can tackle almost anything that is thrown at me. Every day has a new challenge but that’s what makes it enjoyable.”

Delpreet advises that “anyone looking to start a franchise should conduct comprehensive research and fully understand the core values of the business to ensure that they line up with your own. I believe there is no better sales technique than genuine passion and a belief in what you are selling. Our business owners are proud to be part of Bright & Beautiful and our customers can see that, which is why Bright & Beautiful is such a rapidly growing business.”

From everyone at Neighbourly, we would like to wish Delpreet congratulations on her successes so far and all the best for the future!

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Member - Expanding
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