Case Study: Karl Webster- Daventry

Read this article to find out more about franchisee Karl Webster’s story as a Really Awesome Coffee franchisee.

Really Awesome Coffee Franchise

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to buying a franchise business?

I was a Business Manager in the print/payroll industry running a small business with 15 employees and I was responsible for the running of the business, UK sales, service and export.

Why did you go down the franchise route? What made you choose the coffee industry? And why Really Awesome Coffee?

I was looking for a change as I had become chained to a desk when previously I would travel the country visiting customers which I enjoyed, but the desk life was taking its toll I had a work friend who joined a coffee franchise and it appealed to me as I originally started my working life as a teenager working in the catering industry and wanted to get back to dealing with people face to face.

I looked at other franchises but I really got a great feeling after meeting the team at a franchise discovery day. I could see they were obviously passionate about what they did and was hard working towards helping their franchisees. This gave me confidence to take the leap and make the investment. Also the excellent fit out of the vans made it an easy decision.

How was the training and support that you received initially and ongoing?
I found the training and support excellent, it was really well put together. Everything is thought about and every step of the way you know you have someone covering your back and holding your hand (In a good way!).

What is a typical day for you as a franchisee?

I leave between 8am and 8:10am to get to my first stop at 8:50am. I then have approximately 30+ stops to various business types around Daventry and Swann Valley. I manage to fit in a supplies shop before my last stop around 4.15pm. I then get home around 4:35pm and complete my clean down and cash up.

What challenges have you faced?

I found the initial month very physical and was very tired as at first I was slow at setting up, cleaning down and cashing up, but over time I became faster and more efficient so now it’s a breeze.

Has becoming a franchisee changed your life, if so how?

Yes definitely, although I still work the hours, I get to see my family a more, I am sleeping better and so far have lost a whole stone in weight in 5 weeks and feel much happier in myself.

What are your new customers like?

My customer are awesome, they were very patient with me in my first weeks while still a little slow and still learning. They always say great things about the coffee too which is always nice to hear. It brings great satisfaction when they do that.

What is the most invaluable piece of advice you could give someone looking to buy their first franchise?

The first step is the hardest but if you are in an unhappy place and want to make a change then you should take the leap, but it is very hard work and you need to be ready for that.

In your opinion, what makes a successful franchisee?

I think you have to have the right work ethic and attitude, anyone that is used to hard work and can focus on what they need to achieve will make anything work, but you have to be able to enjoy what you do as well.

What are your plans for the future with your business?

I think right now I just want to be able to provide for my family and that is my main focus, I don’t have any big plans for a second vehicle just yet but I would not rule it out. I just want to be able to provide excellent coffee and food with excellent customer service. As long as I can do that I am sure my customers will still be customers for a long time.

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