Mike Wallace - Franchise Partner, Reading

Having been the Finance Director of the company Mike has built up invaluable experience in the bookkeeping field which he is eager to share with his local business community as well the skills and knowledge he acquired running his own company.

Rosemary Bookkeeping Franchise Opportunity

Since leaving University, Mike has been employed in the Photographic Industry in one way or another. He started as Technician but quickly moved up to be the business controller for Agfa Photo in 2004. In 2005 Mike and three colleagues bought the business service division and founded A&O Imaging Services (UK) Limited. The company employed around 25 staff and was sold in 2012, which has given him the opportunity to start up his own business.

Having been the Finance Director of the company Mike has built up invaluable experience in the bookkeeping field which he is eager to share with his local business community as well the skills and knowledge he acquired running his own company.

“I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with clients from a number of different businesses, as well as being my own boss”.

Mike is married with 2 grown up children. His wife is a Head Teacher for a local primary school and is very supportive of his plans for the franchise especially as he will be at home to cook the evening meal most days!

How Mike got involved with Rosemary Bookkeeping

“Following the sale of our business in August 2012, I started to look for new employment opportunities. Joining a large corporation didn’t fill me with excitement, but it was while looking for possible new jobs that I came across an advert by the British Franchise Association, promoting franchises which interested me. I had been looking after the books for our company since it formed, so when I found there were Bookkeeping franchises available, I started to look at this more seriously.

“After investigation into the various franchises on the market, Rosemary appealed to me as the system is based around the use of Sage software, which I had previous knowledge of. It also provides marketing & sales support which I know I will need as I start up my business and comprehensive training. I attended one of the Discovery
Days, where I met the Rosemary team and an existing franchisee who spoke about their own experience of starting and running their own franchise”.

Mike’s secrets to success…

“Having found a franchise that works with my business strengths and experience I hope to be able to grow the business to at least 20 clients in my first year of trading and to have established a working relationship with at least one firm of Accountants who will supply regular work”.

What Joanna Dennis, Franchise Development Director of Rosemary Bookkeeping says: “Mike is a great addition to the Rosemary family of franchise partners. He is an extremely conscientious bookkeeper with great attention to details and has a great rapport that clients will appreciate”.

About Rosemary Bookkeeping

Rosemary Bookkeeping is a British Franchise Association accredited franchise, based on a successful business which was established in 2002 and offers a unique bookkeeping system which is built around charging clients per transaction rather than per hour. The Founding Partners have over 60 years of business and bookkeeping experience between them in the essential business disciplines of accounting, operations, sales and marketing.

According to the Federation of Small Businesses, over 4 million customers NEED this service. By law, all businesses in the UK are required to keep records of their transactions which later are used by an accountant to file for tax and often VAT. Managing these transactions through bookkeeping is often the biggest headache to the small business owner and a task that is left at the bottom of the pile.

There is a growing network of established Franchise Partners in the UK either running their franchise as a management business with bookkeepers undertaking the work for them or working on client accounts themselves.

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Key Facts:

Available across the UK
Business Type:
Minimum Investment:
Training Provided:
Part time:
In Business Since:
Funding Support:
BFA Membership:
Member - Expanding
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