Really Awesome Coffee Hinckley - Rob Earl

Prior to joining the network, Rob had been retired for 2 years but felt like he wanted to do something else. He had been looking at coffee shops or a permanent pitch for a mobile café with his wife, Mandy, but when he discovered Really Awesome Coffee everything appeared to fall into place and subsequent discussions convinced them it was meant to be!

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Here Rob tells us how it has been going since he launched his Really Awesome Coffee van in Hinckley.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to becoming a Really Awesome Franchisee?

I was retired for three years and was a house husband supporting my working wife and a young child at school before I became a Really Awesome Franchisee.

Why did you decide to run a business, and why Really Awesome Coffee specifically?

We always wanted a coffee shop or something similar. This developed into looking for a permanent pitch coffee van and the conversion idea of a van. We then came across Really Awesome Coffee who’s website mentioned van conversions. I rang Really Awesome Coffee head office and they suggested signing up for a Discovery Day presentation to have a better understanding of the business. The rest is history.

Tell us a bit about your training at Head Office and your business launch.

Training was very relaxed and informative and all staff are passionate about Really Awesome Coffee and supportive to help build and develop my franchise. Customers are pleased to see us and impressed by the van and really enjoy the coffee and other products. Initially, it is very hard with long days. However, what you put in gets rewards!

How have you found the ongoing training and support?

My Franchise Development Manager has been very supportive and helpful in developing my round. He keeps in touch whether by phone calls or text messages. What questions he cannot answer he always comes back with an answer later.

What is the most invaluable piece of advice you could give someone looking to invest in their first franchise?

It’s not just about serving coffee, which I thoroughly enjoy. You also need to consider there is lots of admin and hard work before and after going out on your round for everything to run smoothly.

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Key Facts:

Available across the UK
Business Type:
Minimum Investment:
Training Provided:
Part time:
Funding Support:
BFA Membership:
Member - Expanding
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