Tooled Up And Ready To Go


“You know that you’re starting with a known product and a reputable brand so you have credibility from the get go, plus all the major marketing is more or less done for you which takes a lot of things off my plate to help me focus on building my business.“


Alan Johnson

Alan Johnson joined the Mac Tools family in September of 2015. Based in Livingston, Alan lives at home with his fiancé and one child. Alan has spent most of his life working as a mechanic, but has also had stints as a telecom engineer and a radio communications engineer. After working in his last job for a few years, Alan decided it was time for a new challenge . When he saw that Mac Tools offered a franchising option, he knew immediately that it was the right option for him.

“Mac Tools felt like the the perfect opportunity for me because I had the product knowledge from being a mechanic previously and I had used Mac Tools as a customer a number of times before. I’ve been purchasing Mac Tools for well over 20 years now. I just happened to be on the Mac Tools website when I saw that they were offering it as a franchise. It only took me a couple of weeks after making first contact to opt in with them.”

Having worked for himself in the past, he knew how hard it can be to find business and build up a reputation for yourself. For Alan, buying into a franchise was a much more attractive option.

“Having worked as a mobile mechanic for myself in the past – I know how tough it can be and how it can sometimes be a struggle to find business for yourself. When I started to look for new opportunities, I was looking to go back into self-employment of some sort and franchising seemed like the best route for me to follow. You know that you’re starting with a known product and a reputable brand so you have credibility from the get go, plus all the major marketing is more or less done for you which takes a lot of things off my plate to help me focus on building my business.“

The main priority for Alan with his new business venture was the flexible nature of the business allowing him to fit it around his lifestyle and his family.

“More than anything, when I joined Mac Tools, I knew I wanted a better life for me and my family. I wanted the flexibility of working for myself, as well as the ability to work around my family when I need to. I’m now happier in myself and I enjoy the job on a day to day basis. I also make a good wage to top it all off!”

Alan was impressed by the training and support that Mac Tools provided him when he first started, and has found their ongoing support reassuring as he knows it’s there whenever he needs it.

“For my training I went out on a couple of van rides with a few of Mac Tools’ existing franchisees. I was also required to complete the two week training course in Sheffield at the Mac Tools headquarters, which I found very useful. They cover a lot of ground over the two weeks so it’s quite intense, but you come out at the end with all the skills and knowledge necessary for when you go out on the road.”

“In terms of support, if I’m ever in need of any I can contact my Regional Manager. Personally, I only really make contact with him when I really need to. Most of the time I like to try to cope with most problems myself because I like to be in control of my own business. If I work the issue out myself I’ll remember how to deal with it in future. But it’s nice to know they’re there if ever I get stuck with anything.”

Alan is overall really pleased with how the business has been going for him, and is looking to expand in the near future.

“After initially feeling excited but anxious about it all, I’m very pleased with how things have turned out and I definitely made the right decision in choosing Mac Tools. If I ever got the chance to purchase a Mac Tools franchise again I definitely would. It works the way it should and it’s straightforward. If you put the hours in there’s money to be made.”

“As long as you do the maths and be sure to carry yourself through the first three months when money is tight, you won’t regret it! Be sure to go the extra mile to keep building your business. I recently set up a Facebook page for the business where I can let customers know about any promotions I may have on, as well as drumming up interest for new products – it has done very well for me.

“I’m now hopefully planning to have a second van in my territory, as I still think there’s room to grow. So I’ll be able to employ another person to assist with that.”

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