Local Appliance Rentals

The fastest-growing consumer hire franchise in the world

Local Appliance Rentals is the affordable, debt-free way for families to access the big-ticket household items they desperately need.

This is a business with low overheads and steady weekly cash flow. You’ll serve a customer base of thousands, with low churn rates and high profit marginsWith hard work it’s realistic to have a rental book worth more than £250K in under 12 months. That’s right under 12 months! That’s not an exaggeration. It’s happening now for our existing franchisees.

“The support network is great. Everything is in place in terms of infrastructure and regulation. There is always help from Head Office on any issue. With our business development manager working closely with our marketing manager the marketing strategies are easy to implement. The experience that these guys have in the Industry is awesome. They have been doing it for 10 years and they know what they are doing. You never feel that you’re out there on your own.”  
-Matt Hall, Guisborough Franchisee

Why do Local Appliance Rentals franchisees succeed?

  • A proven business model. Our franchisees earn big with a watertight business plan, honed over a decade of profitable trading.
  • Customers you can count on. It’s a franchise with massive repeat business and extraordinary customer loyalty. Customers have been with Local Appliance Rentals for 10 years. How’s that for a long-term customer.
  • No expensive startup costs. You can work from the comfort of your own home and you don’t have expensive stock sitting around not making you money. You only purchase your rental items after you have signed your customer.
  • Demand that just keeps growing. We’re the affordable, debt-free way for consumers to get the expensive household items they need today. Demand for our services is soaring.
  • A scalable franchise. You’ll earn a great living with 1 territory, but once you have proven yourself, you can take on further territories. We will even finance you into them. How good’s that?
  • A business your family can rely on. You’ll create a self-sustaining income machine with solid, reliable revenue projections, unbeatable ROI and a strong resale value.
“LAR has specialist people to support each area and communications are handled efficiently.  The training left me feeling confident and ready to get started. Demand is more than ample and ongoing.  What I like most about LAR is the time efficiency it enables me.”
-Leicester Franchisee

There will never be a better time to join Local Appliance Rentals

We’ve got rising demand, an unsaturated marketplace and a proven global record of accomplishment. The time to join Local Appliance Rentals is right now.

High customer demand means we must fill our UK territories this year. So get in touch, and let us show you how you can start your Local Appliance Rentals journey today. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your rental book – and your cash income – grows.

  • Case Study: Adam Green, Birkenhead Franchisee

    Case Study: Adam Green, Birkenhead Franchisee

    “I feel at the minute as though I’ve only scratched the surface of the demand, and I’m already well ahead of my business plan!” Name: Adam Green Branch: Birkenhead Time with LAR: Trained in December 2015, run the business part-time in January/...

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  • Carl Windsor, Local Appliance Rentals: Scunthorpe

    Carl Windsor, Local Appliance Rentals: Scunthorpe

    Carl Windsor has filled us in on plans to expand following early success. “Some six months in we are able to begin planning our expansion to double and then triple our activity over the next twelve to eighteen months.” Carl Windsor has seen swift s...

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  • Byron Hill, Local Appliance Rentals: Wolverhampton

    Byron Hill, Local Appliance Rentals: Wolverhampton

    “After 4.5 months, my business was cash flow positive thanks to the funding facility form Head Office which is fast, unsecured, reasonable.” My franchise was completely under management from day one by one manager. I live in London while my franchi...

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  • David Bennett, Local Appliance Rentals Franchisee: Mansfield

    David Bennett, Local Appliance Rentals Franchisee: Mansfield

    David discusses meeting new challenges and strong support from head office on his franchisee journey. “New franchisees will enjoy the support not only of Head Office UK and Australia but also from a great team of fellow franchisees.” David Bennett ...

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Key Facts:

Available across the UK
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Training Provided:
Part time:
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