OSCAR Pet Foods and Leading the Way Pet Care join together in offering top tips for pet safety during firework season

Bonfire night can be a worrying and stressful time for cats, dogs and rabbits. Loud, screeching fizzles and snaps, blinding flashes of light and noisy whoops of delight can be terrifying for pets who have truly sensitive hearing – even at the quietest of times.

Oscar Pet Care

OSCAR Pet Foods, one of the UK’s top pet food home delivery services, is only too familiar with the problem. Thanks to close customer relationships with pet-owning clients, their Local Nutritional Advisors are well placed to support pets who suffer from fear of fireworks. Caring customers are always keen to learn how they can prevent their pets being traumatised and so, this year, OSCAR Pet Foods have teamed up with their sister company – Leading the Way Pet Care – to strengthen their ability to help. Delivering quality nutrition alongside essential pet care lies at the heart of these franchises, and their combined commitment to pet welfare strikes a chord as bonfire night approaches.

Fireworks at this time of year can go on for several weeks before (and after) November 5th and this stress can have serious implications for pets; affecting their health and behaviour – especially if experienced over long periods of time. Even though many organised firework displays will not be going ahead this year, due to Covid, many people will be planning fireworks at home in their small family bubbles.

Oscar Pet Care

Recognising stress is the very first step towards helping your pet:

Is your rabbit stamping its feet, staying motionless, trying to escape, or losing its appetite? Is your cat hiding in high places, house soiling or refusing to eat? Is your dog panting, pacing or being clingy?

These, and many more signs of stress, together with top tips to help keep your pets safe and settled during fireworks, can be found here https://www.oscars.co.uk/blog.

Offering helpful advice and expert tips to keep pets calm and safe during bonfire season is just one of many sought after services that Leading the Way Pet Care offers to caring pet owners. Alongside OSCAR’s stand out reputation for nutritional excellence, Leading the Way delivers an exciting business opportunity providing professional dog walking and friendly pet care throughout the year for caring pet owners who juggle busy lives with responsible pet care.

Oscar Pet Care

If living with Covid for the last six months has taught us anything, it’s that our pets are playing an increasingly important role in our lives: offering us much-needed comfort and company as we face uncertain restrictions and changes.

With pet ownership hitting an all-time high, bright franchising opportunities now exist for pet loving business seekers.

If you fancy the freedom of being your own boss, a healthy change in lifestyle and the joy of helping to look after much-loved pets, this could be a perfect opportunity for you.

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